Fabiana Valentina Damato Cova, Maria Paula Herrera Berrones, Lorena, Márquez Parra, Claudia Rosado Vargas Patricia, Amalia Sánchez Palacio, Sofía, Arenas Escobar, Mariana Echeverri Gil, Alejandro Mesa Faciolice, Tomás Pérez Peláez, Sara Valentina Santos Villa, Natalia Warren Palacio, Raquel Correa Arcila
Descripción del Proyecto
The student choosed one memento from her or his household. This memento represents the self (el yo). There is a reason why this memento has been kept in the family for several years. What is its significance? What is the story behind? Who kept it? How does it represent part of who the student is, or is not? What are the cultural and social relationships between the generations that somehow are connected to that artifact?
From the perspective of its objectiveness, the artifact as a memento is unique and irreplaceable, as an object is one of the probably many thousands produced every day. In this Lab, students to find the various relationships between the memento (its meaning) and the object (its purpose) in our society and culture, or the other (el otro). These relationships are unveiled in this course through the ubiquity of photography, a visual tool used critically to decod[e] and deconstruct cultural stereotypes (Kellner, 2010 as cited by Alvaray, 2014).
Propuesta de Valor
Documentary photography, along with collage art techniques, will be the tools to address “intercultural reality as a stage,” based on a vivid or real situation and a process of interaction, because of a systemic understanding of diversity.